«Hillebrand is known for his fight against racism, which also defines his art. He calls himself a revolutionary and in the past has often spoken out about the neo-colonial problems of the dance scene, because there is a lack of critical examination of the history and appropriation processes of European dance. The Tagesspiegel therefore wrote about Hillebrand as an "artist with attitude". He combines urban dance with criticism of the majority society.» (akbwe.de)
As a MODERATOR, I am involved in a variety of formats and venues. My expertise spans dance congresses, panel discussions, festivals, seminars, and workshops. Whether on a grand stage at a dance congress, exploring the power of movement, or in an interactive workshop that encourages participants to reflect and take action – my aim is always to create a space where diverse perspectives are heard and respected. I prioritize a compassionate and nurturing approach in moderation, aiming to focus and aiming to support and uplift commonalities despite differences, tensions, conflicts, and discrimination. The connections we feel in music or dance, and our shared stories, are crucial for addressing emerging themes, regardless of societal positioning.
As a SPEAKER, I am a voice of change, enthusiastically eager to spread inspiration and encouragement. My talks are not mere monologues, but a shared journey where we explore new paths together. I believe that movement not only invigorates the body, but also transforms our thoughts. Through a dynamic mix of lively presentations and creative approaches, I create a thought-provoking atmosphere that inspires the audience to take action and initiate change.
For the development of spaces, stages and institutions, I emphasize the importance of diversity of perspectives and the representation of different realities of life. I am happy to discuss the diversity of the invited guests with you.
BARCAMP 23 (Dachverband Tanz Deutschland) // UBUNTU CONNECTION (euro-scene Leipzig) // YUNIK - Konferenz für kulturelle Bildung “Changing the Narratives” (HAU BERLIN) // „Radical Mutation: On the Ruins of Rising Suns“ (HAU BERLIN) // Dance & Community - A Voice for Change: Fighting for the Arts, Panafricanism and Radical Change towards Solidarity (Bard College) // Version21 im März (Zeit Online) // „Rat für Desintegration“ (Maxim Gorki Berlin) // „Urbaner Tanz auf der Bühne“ (nutrospektif - Tanzhaus-nrw) // Bundesfachkongress Interkultur (Brandenburgische Gesellschaft für Kultur und Geschichte) // Dialogforum Kulturelle Bildung 2022 (Netzwerk Interaktiv) // „Engagiert für Deutschland“ (Juma e.V.) // Die Urbane. Eine HipHop Partei // Loop of Decolonial Resistance (Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westphalen) // „Nur mit uns – Stimmen für eine vielfältige Politik“ (Friedrich Ebert Stiftung) // Floor on Fire (Hellerau) / DIALOGIC MOVEMENT (Radialsystem)