"3 Brüder" (3 Brothers)

The National Socialism molded, strengthened, and distorted them. The greater the temporal distance, the easier it is to condemn decisions and mistakes of past generations, but it is more challenging to draw conclusions for oneself.

Choreographer and dancer Raphael Moussa Hillebrand draws on a story from the time of the Nazi regime. Can we still relate to it? And if so, what significance does this story have in our lives today? He tells this story with passion and all the geometries of Hip Hop, shaping arms into rifles, cannons, privates. He gives each brother a character, allowing their self-chosen bravery to collapse against a externally imposed enemy.

In Hip Hop, this is a rare event: someone speaking while dancing, describing the return from captivity with a backward somersault.

PREMIERE: Schauspielhaus Bochum & La Vilette Paris, 2012
DURATION: 10 minutes

  • Schauspielhaus Bochum
  • La Vilette Paris
  • Dance Night Berlin
  • German Embassy Riyadh
  • Radialsystem V
  • Hellerau - European Center for the Arts
  • German Embassy Hanoi
  • Goethe Institute Madagascar

"The best German dance solo" "euro-scene" 2013 (second place)
"Amadeu Antonio Prize" nominee 2015


Concept, choreography & performer: Raphael Moussa Hillebrand
Dramaturgy: Catherine Umbdenstock
Co-production: Parc de la Vilette (WIP Vilette)