On my shoulders

"AUF MEINEN SCHULTERN!" is a solo performance. Based on the experience of growing up in Berlin in the 1980s and 90s, it attempts to shape personal life experiences into a form that the next generation and the performer's own child can connect with—a danced, broken, spoken, and performed transmission.



Press Reviews

"The dance explodes between the sentences of his narrative about exclusion and loneliness like a fireworks display.“ taz, September 2019

"With this body, he has danced himself into an Afro-European identity, through his own strength, in reaction to his environment, in communication with others. His way of telling this is unique." tanznetz, September 2019

"I witness a moving fluidity in Hillebrand's dance, both literally and metaphorically, demanding space and presence." Tanzschreiber, September 2019

"This body, which has experienced linguistic violence, is even more honest and direct than his lively facial expressions, his artistic way of speaking, the clever and sometimes original techniques on the video screen, and even the wonderful cellist accompanying him throughout the piece." Tanzschreiber, September 2019


Choreography, Performance & Video Concept: Raphael Moussa Hillebrand
Choreography Collaboration: Kysy Fischer
Light Design & Video Collaboration: Emilio Cordero Checa
Costume: Monique Van den Bulck
Music: Eurico Ferreira Mathias
Dramaturgy: Jaika Bahr
Photo: Dieter Hartwig

A production by Kultursprünge at Ballhaus Naunynstraße non-profit GmbH. The initial production was funded by the State of Berlin, Senate Department for Culture and Europe, and the Performing Arts Fund from the funds of the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media. The revival was funded by the State of Berlin, Senate Department for Culture and Europe.