UBUNTU CONNECTION was an innovative competition as part of euro-scene Leipzig, in which 16 artists from the fields of dance and new circus competed in a newly conceived format. Accompanied by live music, they took to the stage in a competition in which they created the "UBUNTU CONNECTION" together with the audience. After each round, a jury decided who presented the power of togetherness most impressively. The inspiring approach of "Ubuntu" embodied a constructive attitude of respect, empathy, participation, change and hope, based on the principle: "A person becomes a person through other people." The competition encouraged a decolonial shift in perspective, away from "I think, therefore I am" to "I am, because we are!", as represented by Nelson Mandela.

PREMIERE: November 11, 2022
PLAYING STAGE: Schaubühne Lindenfels / Ballsaal

Press reviews

"An evening that thrives on the immense tempo, the variety and the risk that those who leave rehearsed routines venture into. Many of those watching on Friday will be back in the audience on Saturday. The format is inspiring and sets an example with its cooperative form. Ultimately, the prize money is shared equally among all participants. And festival director Christian Watty promises: "We definitely want to continue Ubuntu Connection. But the rhythm is still open."  LVZ


Concept & Curation: Jasmin Blümel-Hillebrand & Raphael Moussa Hillebrand (Somɔgɔ Kollektiv)
Moderation: Raphael Moussa Hillebrand
Jury: Natisa Exocé Kasongo alias Exote OOB Kasongo (Berlin) / Georgina Philp / House of Saint Laurent (Mother Leo, Berlin) / Marcos Vinicius da Silva (Leipzig) / Tadios Cherenet (Berlin)
Live music: Sonic In(ter)ventions
Artists: Dmytro Grynov / Michaela Stará / Guillaume Karpowicz / Jess Gardolin / Anna Holmström / Carolyn Gonzales / Lukás Bernáth / Raul Arcangelo / Aaliyah Thanisha, Raha Nejat / Liam Wustrack / Michele Frances Clark / ROBOZEE / Toan Le / Jade Lee Petersen / Kazuma Glen Motomura
Production: euro-scene Leipzig
Cooperation: Somɔgɔ Collective
Supported by: Bureau Ritter/TANZPAKT RECONNECT, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of the NEUSTART KULTUR initiative Dance aid program