Inspiriert in Sri Lanka // Voices in Motion

Vom Goethe-Institut Sri Lanka eingeladen, habe ich mit zwei weiteren Choreograf*innen und Farah Deen  Paul Upali Gouëllo ein viertägiges Tanz-Retreat für aufstrebende Künstlerinnen geleitet. Voices in Motion fand im inspirierenden Ambiente des Sri Yoga Shala in Thalpe statt. Zehn talentierte Tänzer*innen aus verschiedenen Genres wie traditionellem Tanz, zeitgenössischem Tanz und Hip Hop nahmen teil.

Together, we provided the participants with intensive support and promoted their skills. We presented the results in a rousing performance at the Alliance Française Kotte in Colombo. It was a fusion of individual choreographies and collective movement sequences that were created during the retreat.

The project was funded by the Franco-German Cultural Fund, which promotes cooperation between Germany and France in third countries. It was an honor to be part of this creative exchange and to experience the diversity of the dance scene.

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